The dust had barely settled from the collapse of the World Trade Center towers three years ago when the debate began: What would go in their place? Whatever went there would have to satisfy not only the needs of the New York Port Authority, who used the site, but also honour the memory of those who died in the September 11 attacks.
After a long, and oft-times controversial, competition, Daniel Libeskind's design for the project was chosen. That wasn't the end of the story, however, as Libeskind will now be working with other architects to design the plaza, smaller towers and transportation hub that will be going on the site.
"Libeskind is a much-discussed architect these days," said architecture professor Martin Bressani. Libeskind will be coming to McGill to discuss architecture, and quite possibly his high-profile projects like the Royal Ontario Museum addition he is also working on.
It should be an interesting talk. In the '80s, Libeskind made his name as a thinker and architectural iconoclast, functioning as a critical voice to the world of practice. Now, he is a celebrity architect whose crystalline designs are sought-after status symbols for cities anxious for architectural jewels.
"It's intriguing to see him going from a very theoretical perspective to this very commercial and political project," said Bressani.
Friday, October 22, 6 pm, Daniel Libeskind: Breaking Ground, the second annual David J. Azrieli Lecture in Architecture. Reception to follow in the Exhibition Room of the School of Architecture. Leacock Building, room 132.
The Council on Palliative Care was started by Montrealers who benefited from Palliative Care McGill. They promote increased understanding and availability of palliative care within and beyond the McGill health care network, and work with health care professionals, educators, practitioners and the public at large.
Among the many workshops they organize, the annual R. David Bourke Memorial panel holds a special significance. Bourke was council co-chair from its beginning in 1994 until 2001. This year's panel, moderated by co-chair Dr. Richard Cruess, is titled End of Life Decisions — yours to make.
Tuesday, October 19, 6 pm to 8 pm at St Andrew's - Dominion-Douglas Church, 687 Roslyn Avenue. Panel participants are McGill's Dr. Michael Dworkind, Associate Professor of Family Medicine and Carolyn Ells, Biomedical Ethics Unit. They're joined by Dr. Peter Goldberg, Intensive Care Physician at the Royal Victoria Hospital. For more information, go to
Rex Murphy is known for his biting, off-the-cuff commentary on current events, in such media as The Globe and Mail and CBC Radio and Television. What is less known is that the Newfoundlander is a former Rhodes Scholar (in 1968, the same year as Bill Clinton).
That combination of experiences makes him an ideal speaker on media and education for the Marguerite Bourgeoys Lecture. The specifics of Murphy's talk were not known at press time. "We were told by his people that Rex is someone who formulates his ideas as he approaches the deadline," said Linda Diez, coordinator at the Newman Centre.
The lecture is sponsored by the Faculty of Education and the Congregation Notre Dame, and is hosted by the Newman Centre. The lecture has been happening for two years, and honours Marguerite Bourgeoys, the nun who is regarded as a co-founder of Montreal, and her commitment to education.
Rex Murphy, Friday, October 22, 5:00 pm. Faculty of Law, Moot Court, Chancellor Day Hall (3644 Peel Street, Montreal). Information: 398-4106. Reception to follow at the Newman Centre (3484 Peel Street).
Ladies and gentlemen, step right up! The McGill Book Fair comes but once a year, providing fun and entertainment for bibliophiles everywhere. No other book sale in Montreal offers the splendiferous entertainment of the one, the only, McGill blockbuster Book Fair!
See! Lineups to get in that start at dawn!
Witness! Hordes of crazed book-buyers, jostling each other for their finds!
Marvel! At the piles of National Geographics!
Gasp! At the rare gems to be found!
Save! You won't believe the low, low prices to be found!
That's right, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this circus comes to town but once a year, and it's happening soon!*
Wednesday, October 20, 9 am to 9 pm and Thursday, October 22, 9 am to 8 pm, in Redpath Hall. Run by the Women Associates of McGill and the McGill Women's Alumnae Association, the Fair has raised over $1,000,000 since its inception for scholarships for McGill students. Cash only.
*Cotton candy not for sale. Children must be older than 14 to ride the book-a-coaster.
View of Florence
McGill Department of Italian Studies would like to invite all Italophiles to a conference that deals with one of the most exciting periods of cultural innovation in Italian history. "Florence on the Eve of the Renaissance — Firenze alla Vigilia del Rinascimento" will take place October 22-23.
Though the Renaissance was born in Italy, its influence was far reaching and had an enormous impact not on many European countries. But how was this movement born? What where the social settings which led to it? In what environment did the great masterminds of the time live? What was Italy like on the eve of the Renaissance? The goal of this conference is to explore, elaborate and help answer these questions from the point of view of the Florentine merchant class, which emerged at the end of the Middle Ages and by the beginning of the Renaissance was prosperous and powerful. Over two days Italian, American, Canadian, English and Swiss scholars will present different aspects of the scientific, cultural and moral frameworks of the merchant class. We will hear the music they listened to, see the frescoes that adorned their homes, and comment on the authors who influenced their lives.
Friday, October 22, New Chancellor Day Hall, Room 100, 3644 Peel Street
9 am to 11 am: Poetic Rivalry: Antonio da Ferrara, Jacopo Salimbeni, and Antonio Pucci (William R. Robins, English Department and Centre for Medieval Studies, University of Toronto)
2:30 pm to 4:30 pm: The Narrative World of Andrea da Barberino (Gloria Allaire, Department of Foreign Languages, University of Kentucky)
Saturday, October 23, Room 1041, 688 Sherbrooke Street West
9 am to 10:30 am: Middle Class Culture in Florence on the Eve of the Renaissance (Paula Clarke, Department of History, McGill University)
11 am to 12 pm: Narration in the Decorative Paintings of Some Tuscan Palaces (Bronwen Wilson, Department of Art History and Communication Studies, McGill University)
Do you know where the name for the sub-atomic particle "quark" came from? What was the name of Canada's second Prime Minister? How many sides does a dodecagon have? If you can answer these, you may be ready to take on the world for the third annual McGill Centraide Campaign Trivia Quiz.
You can come in teams of two to four, or show up individually, at a cost of $5 a person. Teams are given a list of ten questions with answer forms, and are given a period of time to discuss and write down their answers.
"These are given to what I call my Judge Judys for scoring," said Trivia Master Kimberly Stevenson. There will be six rounds. The McGill Bookstore trade and reference services manager is not only the MC for the event — she is also the Delphic Oracle who will be bending the brains of those who are ready to match wits with her questions, all of which will be drawn from her eclectic reading material over the last year.
There will be prizes, but we're making a bold prediction — the Reporter editorial team is entering this year, and we are bringing home the hardware. So you gotta ask youself one question. Do you feel lucky, punks? Well, do ya?
McGill Centraide Campaign Trivia Quiz, 6:30 pm Thomson House. Teams of 2 – 4 players will compete for great prizes. Beer will be available. All proceeds go to Centraide. Contact Kimberley Stephenson 398-8356