Bonnie Borenstein examines one of next year's 40,000 undergraduate course calendars with Jean-Pierre Gentile of Payette and Simms printers. Borenstein and her colleagues in the Admissions, Recruitment and Registrar's office began to prepare the 624-page document in mid-October, and the books will be delivered to campus on March 11. The undergraduate calendar is the largest of the 10 calendars published by ARR. The current online version can be found through
Opening doors in cancer care
The first annual Psychosocial Oncology Research Day will bring together
medical and social professionals to address better ways to treat not only the
disease of cancer, but the whole patient.
New director of libraries
Janine Schmidt made a name for herself as an inventive and forward-looking
librarian at the University of Queensland. Now she's the new Trenholme
Director of Libraries at McGill, and she's ready for the challenge.
Envisioning the ecological
Geography professor Garry Peterson is part of a worldwide effort to determine
the best way to manage environmental change.
When justice goes awry
The Innocence Project in the Faculty of Law uses the energies of students and
professors to help free the wrongfully convicted.
Teaming up to beat the thesis
CAPS and Counselling Servies have teamed up to launch a support group for PhD
students. The goal is to lessen the isolation, and provide information for
those on the long road to their doctorate.
Don't forget Brain Awareness
When does a tendency to misplace your glasses become a cause for medical
concern? Neuroscientists Howard Chertow and Gabriel Leonard answer these and
other questions along with other experts during Brain Awareness Week.
Senate: Talking to government, getting IT
The March 2 meeting was dominated by presentations from VP
(Inter-Institutional Affairs) Janyne Hodder and Deputy Provost and Chief
Information Officer Tony Masi.
Point, click, vote
McGill's Post-Graduate Students' Society has introduced a new online voting
system, with an assist from Tony Masi.