Owen Egan
Music undergrad Jonathan Patterson kicks up his heels at a rehearsal for the McGill Savoy Society's 41st annual production - H.M.S. Pinafore (or, The Lass that Loved a Sailor). The voice performance major also choreographed the rollicking operetta, one of Gilbert and Sullivan's best loved. The show runs February 25, 26, March 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12 at 8 pm and March 5 and 12 at 2 pm. Tickets are $15/$10. Reservations: www.savoy.ca or 398-3001 ext. 09632.
Stephen Lewis at Mac
As the UN special envoy on AIDS in Africa, Stephen Lewis has seen
heartbreaking and inspiring episodes. Canada, and especially the students and
researchers at Macdonald campus, can do a lot to help.
MISC thinks global
A recent conference on Canada's place in the world, sponsored by MISC,
brought in three federal ministers to talk about Canada's place in the world.
Looking out for Quebec's good health
A roundtable on Quebec's health care strategy brought together educators,
practitioners, managers and politicians to discuss the future of the
province's well-being.
Big ideas, mini courses
You won't be able to file your briefs after graduation (and we're not talking
of organizing your underwear drawer), but students of McGill's newest law
program will get their fill of all things legal. The Mini-Law program is
aimed at a general audience to educate the common (and civil) folk on matters
civil (and common).
Cool research sizzles
A group of McGill professors recently got together to talk about cold-weather
research, and its effect on everything from microscopic life forms to very
macroscopic Montreal potholes.
SYTACom goes live
SYTACom will serve as an intellectual watering hole, drawing together and
nourishing researchers working on advanced systems and technologies in
communications. The new infrastructure will pool knowledge and build
Nature, culture and inappropriate love
Donna Haraway likes her dogs, and she wants people to think about what that
means: how we think of our pets can, but rarely does, make us reconsider
humanity's place in the natural world.
Senate: Space, safety and staff
Senate discussed recruitment, health and safety, and asked if someone could
open a window around here.