May 18, 2006

May 18, 2006 McGill University

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McGill Reporter
May 18, 2006 - Volume 38 Number 17
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Geneviève Tanguay, présidente de l'Association francophone pour le savoir (Acfas), greeting everyone at the opening ceremony to the 74th congrès de l'Acfas, May 15 at the Schulich School of Music. The French-language research conference runs at McGill until May 19. See more page 9.
Owen Egan

Acfas: Rendez-vous des idées

Feeling like the campus is a little more crowded than usual? Like to the tune of 6,000 extra people? Well that's because, at long last, the Acfas folks have hit town. Read our mid-conference report — en français, no less!

Five most valuable players

If it weren't for the support staff, this place would grind to a shuddering halt. A quintet of hard-working staffers take their respective noses off the grindstone long enough to accept their Principal's Staff Awards.

McGill Headliners: Leonardo, grubs and everything in between

Rolando Del Maestro breaks the da Vinci code; Jody Heymann goes to bat for U.S. moms; McGill's Rare Books and Special Collections Division gets star treatment in France; and Chris Buddle takes on an army of grubs.

P.O.V.: Confessions of a Convocation convert

University marshal and the man who put the COOL in McGill, David Harpp, gives us an insider's view of Convocation's behind-the-scenes intrigue.

Maria Colonna: Juggling three teens and $10 million

Administrative officer Maria Colonna is proof that good things, like winning the Anne McCormick Award for Excellence in the Faculty of Medicine, happen to nice people.

Communications teams find silver lining

McGill wows the Canadian Council for the Advancement of Education with a bit of e-innovation wizardry and then goes old school with an award-winning brochure.

Mysak first Canadian honoured
Lawrence Mysak becomes the first Canadian to be awarded an Alfred Wegener Medal and Honorary Membership of the European Geosciences Union. Our question is this: what took them so long?

Entre Nous with Christophe Pierre, dean of the Faculty of Engineering: Big plans for Year Two
Nearing the end of a stellar rookie season as dean of the Faculty of Engineering, Christophe Pierre fills readers in on what he plans as an encore.

Eight McGill students chosen for prestigious clerkships

Not all clerical jobs are created equal. Some can lead to a lifetime of toiling in obscurity while others are stepping stones to bigger and better things. Supreme Court clerkships fall in the latter category, which is why eight McGill law students were clicking their heels after finding out they had been chosen for one.

McGill honours and is honoured
They fight cancer, champion international relief efforts and, of course, sing Edelweiss with Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music. McGill honours its most recent Professors Emeriti, Librarian Emerita and honorary degree recipients.

Question marks with a purpose

Philosophers are invited to McGill to workshop their papers in progress, bouncing off their ideas and fielding questions on how we perceive hurricanes, intersex and Aristotle.

Unmasking the imposter phenomenon

Do you huddle in your office knowing that your boss will come bursting in at any minute screaming that you're a fraud? Do you refuse to present at conferences for fear that people will be rolling in the aisles laughing? Could be you suffer from the Imposter Phenomenon.

Chemical Reactions: Showing off the everyday magic of simple science

Ariel Fenster wows the lay audience with spontaneously combusting books and sex-starved pigs. 'Nuff said.

Colombo: Detective of the book world

Seven university libraries will employ a sleuthing operation worthy of Columbo to sift through all their holdings at a digital flick. The Colombo interlibrary loan system launches on May 24.

Robbin's Ride

What would drive four young men to give up the creature comforts of home to drive 7,777.7 kilometres across Canada? A son's love for his mother.

Around campus
CIM, the folks who bring you pronking robots and other nutty stuff, turns 20; hip hop hits the streets to battle HIV/AIDS; a public conversation tackles the always contentious issue of public and private health care; and the McGill Conservatory's gala puts the spotlight on fresh musical talent.

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