May 3, 2007

May 3, 2007 McGill University

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McGill Reporter
May 3, 2007 - Volume 39 Number 16
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Adam Fritz (U3 Arts) and Ben Scott (U3 Education) get a little football in on the main field, lower campus, this week. Now that the last of the white stuff has melted away, students are flexing their muscles and playing outside.
Owen Egan

Greatness realized

As part of its spring Convocation, McGill will recognize fourteen outstanding individuals with honorary degrees and six Professors Emeriti.

Deconstructing hate: Scholar plumbs lure of Jihad

Khalid Medani, an assistant professor of Political Science and Islamic Studies, earns a $100,000 Carnegie Scholarship to further examine what leads African youth to join Islamist fundamentalist organizations.

Levelling the PhD field
The Office of the Associate Provost (Graduate Education) has announced the creation of the McGill International Doctoral Awards, which will eliminate the tuition supplement for all full-time international doctoral students as of September 2007.

P.O.V.: Reaching out to prevent school shootings

On September 13, 2006, Joel Kornek was the first person shot during Kimveer Gill's rampage at Dawson College. The McGill Education student tells his story.

Headliners: Musical groundbreakers, haberdashery hex-breakers

From the hardest working prof in show business to a tie that's as good as a win.

Profile: Itzkowitz's sweet victory

He's young, he's hip, he's newly elected. Justin Trudeau? Nope, Jake Itzkowitz, the new president of the SSMU.

McGill web gems: Surfing for Safdie

Moshe Safdie 24/7 and a quartet of McGill-based songs.

McGill Matters: Tips for teaching, policing
A workshop for profs helps them design and redesign their courses and McGill's crime-busting tips line.

Entre Nous with David Lank, Director of the Dobson Centre for Entrepreneurial Studies: Risky Business

He's a successful investment banker, an accomplished actor and an inductee of the Atlantic Salmon Association Hall of Fame. Is there anything David Lank can't do?

Research & Discovery: Pushing PRAM

What does Participatory Research at McGill really mean? There's only one way to find out.

Kudos: Ovations, donations
Clive Chang gets a prestigious nod for his volunteering and McGill's Centraide efforts earn special mention.

Monumental research: political symbolism in post-Soviet Russia

What really happened to all those statues of hammers and sickles when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991?

Honour Roll
McGill celebrates its Honorary Degree recipients and Professors Emeriti.

A walk and a talk for Palliative Care Week

McGill hosts a special lecture and a fundraising walk in an effort to raise the public's awareness of the need for improved palliative care.

Classroom technology à la McGill

What's the hottest ticket on campus? The Instructional Multimedia Services Fair, of course.

Sowing the seeds of World Wide Wisdom

Don Smith, Chair of the Department of Plant Science, spearheads a new distance teaching initiative that links Canadian grad students from coast to coast.

Around campus
Rock and stroll, the Yellow Door and running with the caribou.

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At Place des Arts on Friday, April 27, McGill's Engineers Without Borders took part in a national effort to remind the federal government of the goal to allocate .7 percent of Canada's GNP to development assistance. That figure is now at slightly above .3 percent.
Céline Dujarric