September 7, 2006

September 7, 2006 McGill University

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McGill Reporter
September 7, 2006 - Volume 39 Number 02
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Home > McGill Reporter > Volume 39: 2006-2007 > September 7, 2006
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While trying to enjoy a succulent slice of watermelon on lower campus, Aly Jivraj (U3 International Development Studies) is accosted by an escapee of Granby Zoo. Actually, that's Sylvia Boss (U4 Law) of Gorilla Composting in the monkey suit welcoming people to McGill by handing out delicious free grub and promoting composting.
Owen Egan

From classroom to cleats: McGill produces record number of All-Canadians

Who says you can't be a great student and a great jock at the same time? Okay, it's true that most of us can't — but, as it happens, a whole lot of McGill students excel in both. In fact, last year McGill set a new national record by racking up 147 All-Canadians.

Planning for uncertainty: the math of mining

Math to predict the viability of an ore mine? Sounds crazy? Sure, crazy like a fox. With the launch on September 8, McGill's Stochastic Mine Planning Laboratory already has the backing of some of the world's mining giants.

From housing to mousing

Deadly peanuts, neighbourhood-friendly housing and mice that are so happy they're ready to belt out show tunes.

Thank you, McGill
When Tulane University was shut down following the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, McGill took in some of the displaced students. Frédéric Augonnet reminisces about the semester he spent here and, now that he's back in New Orleans, waxes nostalgic about poutine and the Habs.

Susan Rogers: The grad student formerly known as...

She's made sweet music with pop royalty (Prince) and lined the pockets of music's favorite naturalists (Barenaked Ladies). But she turned her back on the rock 'n' roll lifestyle to become a PhD student. One question: Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?

Ask an expert
The hows and whys of MRIs
This week's installment asks a question that's nagged at all of us one time or another: Why doesn't the iron in our bodies get attracted to an MRI's magnetism?

A hearty "well done" for a winner of a website and a groundbreaking alum.

Entre Nous: Principal Heather Munroe-Blum
Principal urges students to "get out beyond the obvious"
Munroe-Blum welcomes students, faculty and staff to the new academic year and gives us the lowdown on student services, funding, philanthropy and the Principal's Task Force on Student Life and Learning.

One man's journey through an MRI

Our intrepid reporter agrees to have his brain scanned as part of an MNI study. What was found after two gruelling hours in the "doom tube"? Insert your own punchline here or read on.

Young guns speak out
They're young, they're smart, they've got all their hair — but we like them anyway. Karl Moore interviews a trio of Desautels Faculty of Management students and picks their fertile brains. Great insight into the minds of the people who will be signing our paychecks one day soon.

New faces going places
Missed some of the activities that marked the first few days of the semester? Have no fear. Our mini photo essay recaps some of the highlights.

Europe calling: Interdisciplinary studies get boost at McGill, U of M

Who loves ya, McGill? Well, the European Commission, for starters. The honchos in black suits running the EC recently tossed a second grant of 100,000 Euros our way. Why? Read on.

McGill Matters
Online course evaluations delivered with the speed of Mercury and putting the kibosh on laptop theft.

Don't panic: Committee to fashion quick and concerted response to infectious outbreaks

Sure, the ol' double cheek kiss is one of those quaint distinct society things that separate us from the rest of the herd, but it's also a springboard for germs. With experts predicting a global pandemic in the near future, see what steps McGill's Infection Control Committee is taking to ensure our safety.

Around campus
From stilt-walkers to great talkers, there's a little something for everyone in and around campus in the coming weeks.

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In the September 7 issue of the McGill Reporter, the date for Deepak Chopra's Beatty Memorial Lecture was incorrectly listed as September 12. In fact, the lecture will take place on Thursday, September 14, at 9:00 am in Rm 517D of the Palais des congrès. We regret the error.