Trained to dive into the gene pool TIM HORNYAK
The burgeoning growth of genetics research has resulted in a need for more skilled scientists in the field. Enter McGill's new graduate programs in human genetics -- the first of their kind in Quebec. |
Can diabetes be defeated? SYLVAIN COMEAU
Surgery professor Lawrence Rosenberg just might be hot on the trail of a cure to certain types of diabetes. |
Remembering Osler LESLIE STOJSIC
Who would have thought that this juvenile delinquent would go on to become one of the most influential doctors of all time? The celebration of Sir William Osler's 150th birthday has begun. |
Strength in numbers BRONWYN CHESTER
With new hi-tech "cyber-schools" sniffing around, aiming to poach some of their best and brightest students, a group of top research universities throughout the world have decided to team up to fight back. |
Girl power Shanghai-style MARIA FRANCESCA LoDICO When China's parents choose a school for their daughters, they are turning increasingly to all-girls schools. What attracts them are the schools' better role models, more diverse curriculums and, oh ya, the absence of boys. |
Fostering flexibility DANIEL McCABE
When it comes to being flexible in the workplace, Canadian and Swedish unions take a markedly different approach. A team of McGill sociologists explain. |
Nursing a better understanding about health BRONWYN CHESTER
For 30 years, the McGill-based Canadian Journal of Nursing Research has been an influential force for the growing sophistication of an underrated discipline. |
An upcoming conference intends to give students from visible minority groups the lowdown about a range of jobs in science and technology. |

Ben Kennedy, MA student in geology, kicks up his heels for the last day of exams. To Ben's left, enjoying the hot weather and the scent of hot dogs simmering on the barbeque pit near by are Greg Griffin, a first year mining engineering student, and Nigel Fun in his second year in the same program. The open air pub was hosted by the Engineering Undergraduate Society.