Rhodes worthy DANIEL McCABE
He's only 19-years old, but he can pose probing questions that throw veteran physicists and mathematicians for a loop. He can whistle up a storm -- his pitch perfect rendition of Mozart's Rondo Alla Turca earned him a whistling championship. Meet Marco Gualtieri, McGill's newest Rhodes Scholar. |
Two win Prix du Québec DANIEL McCABE
Dr. Samuel Freedman and Dr. Theodore Sourkes from the Faculty of Medicine have become the latest McGill professors to receive the province's highest honour for achievement in the arts and sciences. |
On the trail of killer infections DANIEL McCABE
Dr. Greg Matlashewski has done much to shed light on a pair of diseases that have killed thousands in developing countries -- cervical cancer and leishmania. Thanks in part to his efforts, both diseases may soon be dealt crippling blows. |
Pretty flower, deadly weed PHILIP FINE
Striga is an attractive weed with bright pink flowers, but when farmers in Africa spot it in their fields, they shudder. The weed has caused billions of dollars in crop damage. A team of McGill researchers could be close to stamping out Striga. |
"Accidental" book draws raves BRONWYN CHESTER
PhD student Dean Irvine didn't mean to publish an acclaimed new book about revered poet Dorothy Livesay. It just sort of happened. |
Pinker puzzles over Maple Leafs ELLYN KERR
Why do we say "thought" instead of "thinked," but not "blought" instead of "blinked?" Steven Pinker, author of the best-selling The Language Instinct, believes he knows the answer. |
Stopping the cuts to health care SYLVAIN COMEAU
Medical professionals have been left feeling helpless as governments cut health care funding despite the toll these decisions have taken on their patients. A recent conference at the Jewish General Hospital spurred some suggestions about how to fight back. |
Courses and obstacle courses SYLVAIN-JACQUES DESJARDINS
It's hard enough to be a student at a tough university like McGill. Imagine what it's like when you can't even get into your classroom because the only wheelchair-accessible entrance is blocked. |

Off to the basement for a byte: You can find science students parked in front of computer monitors at all hours of the day in the basement of the Burnside Hall Building. They're making full use of the Infozone, the new computer lab that was officially opened on November 27. Open seven days a week, 24 hours a day, the lab was set up as a joint initiative of the science class of '98, the Science Undergraduate Society and the Faculty of Science.
The opening of the new lab presented an opportunity to mark the memory of Ulla-Brita Manley, McGill's first-ever computer programmer, who arrived at the University 40 years ago. The computer she worked with initially -- McGill's first computer -- required punch cards and could store only 4,000 10-digit words. We've come a long way, Ulla.