Budget choices loom DANIEL McCABE
Principal Bernard Shapiro says that we've managed to cope with the government's funding cuts by failing to address essential items -- such as our mediocre salaries for professors, our inadequate library acquisition budget and our deteriorating physical plant. We can't get away with that strategy any more. Some tough decisions have to be made. |
McGill is prominent in new NCEs BRONWYN CHESTER
Three new Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) have been given the okay by the federal government and the University is involved in all of them. More than 33 McGill researchers stand to benefit from the $41 million the NCEs will receive. |
A soybean sorcerer at work BRONWYN CHESTER
Plant science professor Don Smith is a master of sleight-of-hand science. He convinces a certain type of bacteria that is essential for a robust soybean crop that it's in China when it's really in Canada. |
Disentangling the cobwebs in medical education PATRICK McDONAGH
The director of McGill's Centre for Medical Education, Dr. Vimla Patel tries to look inside people's heads. She wants to understand why they make the decisions that they make. |
Probing a musical superpower KEVIN HALL
All musicians want to have it, but only a handful of them do. It is called perfect pitch and McGill's Robert Zatorre has uncovered part of the mystery behind it. |
Oprah and the vegan SYLVAIN COMEAU
Howard Lyman made Oprah Winfrey think twice about eating hamburgers. And then they both got sued. |

Emeritus Professors and Honorary Degree Recipients from this year's convocation

Emeritus professors Kari Polanyi-Levitt (from the Department of Economics) and Gregory Baum (from the Faculty of Religious Studies) recently shared a birthday party. To mark their 75th birthdays, Concordia University's Karl Polanyi Institute of Political Economy held a day long symposium in their honour. Titled "Reclaiming Democracy," the event attracted such speakers as Ursula Franklin and Mel Watkins.