News from the Office of International Research
The Office of International Research is pleased to welcome Fran¨ois Carrier as its new grants and contracts officer. A graduate in civil engineering from the University of Ottawa, Mr. Carrier has had extensive international experience in consulting assignments for the World Bank, the Canadian International Development Agency, governments, industries, private companies and universities. Mr.Carrier can be reached at (tel.) 4197 or E-mail:
Funding Opportunities for International Collaboration
Contact the Office of International Research at the address shown below for details and forms. Deadlines listed are for receipt of applications by the funding body; McGill deadlines are four days earlier.
TRANSCOOP Program (Germany) Deadline October 30, 1998
Matching funds of up to $50,000 U.S. for up to three years, for research by German, Canadian and U.S. scholars. Fields: humanities, social sciences, economics, law. (Can extend to natural sciences). Priority to new initiatives. Joint applications.
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Guest Lectureships No deadline
Support German academics who have been invited to teach at a Canadian university for one to six months.
Study Visit Research Grants for Faculty Deadline February 1, 1999
Support Canadian scholars and scientists conducting research in Germany for 1 - 3 months.
Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowships No deadline
Research fellowships for highly qualified Canadian scholars (aged 40 or less) to conduct research in Germany.
Professional Partnerships Program Deadlines October 30, 1998; December 4, 1998
Airfare for invited academics and professionals to or from countries of Central and Eastern Europe/the former Soviet Union. Projects must relate to economic or democratic development.
NATO Science Fellowships Deadline October 15, 1998
Postdoctoral fellowships at Canadian universities for recent doctoral graduates in natural sciences or engineering, from Central or Eastern Europe.
Canada-US Fulbright Program Deadline November 15, 1998
Canadian Faculty can apply for Lecturing, Research, or Lecturing/Research Fellowships in the United States. Provides $2,700 (US) per month for 3-9 months. Applicants must be Canadian citizens.
Women and Development Awards in India Deadline October 30, 1998
Faculty Research Fellowships (4 months); Pilot Project Awards (up to 2 months); Doctoral Research Fellowships (up to 8 months); Visiting Lecture Series (3 week lecture tour). Awards cover return airfare to India and a living allowance.
Edward Clarence Dyason Fellowship Deadlines September 30, 1998; June 30, 1999
The University of Melbourne invites nominations for its Edward Clarence Dyason Fellowship. This will enable an academic from a Universitas21 partner institution to conduct joint research at U. Melbourne for a semester or more. Funding $12,500 (Australian). Note: Universitas21 is a network of leading world universities, McGill is a founding member.
NSERC International Opportunities Fund No Deadline
New NSERC Fund to establish collaborations or access major international programs (including European Union R&D programs). Funding covers feasibility studies, workshops, logistical and other costs.
Scotiabank-AUCC Awards for Excellence in Internationalization Deadline November 30, 1998
The Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada invites applications in 5 categories : Involving Students in Internationalization; Contribution of Research to Internationalization; Curriculum Change; Contribution of University International Development Projects to Internationalization; Resources for Internationalization Efforts. Prizes consist of engraved plaques, cash prizes and publicity.
Development Information Program Deadline early December 1998
The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) grants up to $250,000 for communications activities which publicize the role of Canadians in international development and cooperation.
For information and application materials, contact the Office of International Research, 3550 University Street, Tel: 4197; Fax. 6878; E-mail: or