Office Of International Research
Contracts From Federal And Provincial Agencies
The federal government maintains an electronic procurement service: the Open Bidding Service (OBS). The Office of International Research has subscribed to this, to improve access by the McGill community to funding opportunities for international projects. OBS gives public and private sector organizations a window on the global marketplace. It is a comprehensive service for advertising purchase requirements and distributing associated tender documents; service providers (such as universities) can get electronic access to business and procurement opportunities offered by governments, crown corporations and private sector organizations.
The Office of International Research searches OBS for project opportunities and sends leads to departments and faculties. Tendering documents are ordered as desired. For a demonstration of OBS on the Web contact
Upcoming Funding Opportunities
Programme de Coopération Scientifique et Technologique
Deadline: October 31, 1997
The Ministère de l'Éducation du Québec has announced its program of travel support for academic and industrial exchanges with the Communauté française de Belgique, with Wallonie, and with Italy.
The two elements for Belgium provide supplementary support for collaborative projects in science and technology, in areas of priority to Quebec. Awards cover travel and living costs of researchers or their students. Support for teams from both countries requires partners to apply in their respective countries, concurrently. The Italy element supports activities in science and technology, and social sciences and humanities.
Japan Foundation (1998-1999)
Deadline: November 10, 1997
The Special Grants Program offers $200,000 to a Canadian university over five years, to cover up to two-thirds of the cost of staff expansion, post-doctoral fellowships, visiting professorships, and scholarly reorientation in the area of Japanese Studies. The Tanaka Fund offers $100,000 to fund up to two-thirds of the cost of a continuing faculty position or a visiting lectureship in Japanese language studies.
Korea Science and Engineering Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowships in Korea
Deadline: October 31, 1997
The Asia-Pacific Economic Council provides Postdoctoral Fellowships in science and engineering. Support is for six to twelve months. Applicants must have received their PhD within the last five years.
Women and Development Awards in India 1998-99
Deadline: November 13, 1997
The Shastri Institute supports programs in Indian, Canadian and Development Studies. Its Women and Development Awards cover airfare and living costs, and are available as: Faculty Research Fellowships, Doctoral Research Fellowships, Pilot Project Awards and Visiting Lectureships. The Shastri Institute also offers several student programs. For information on these contact the Fellowships and Awards Office (Tel. 3995).
Note: The Shastri Indo-Canadian Institute invites applications for the position of Vice-president (India Office), from Canadian academics who will be on sabbatical leave in 1998-99. The city of tenure is New Delhi. Application deadline is October 31, 1997.
Other Funding Opportunities
Program for International Research Linkages (PIRL)
Deadline: January 15, 1998
The International Council for Canadian Studies is offering awards of $5,000 to facilitate joint research in the social sciences and humanities. The awards allow researchers from Canada and one or more countries to organize seminars or other links, aimed at advancing knowledge and understanding of Canadian society.
Student Awards
AUCC Youth International Internships Project 1997-98
No deadline
This program enables recent graduates to acquire international experience in Marketing, Management, International Business, Area Studies, Foreign Languages, or other relevant fields. Internships are for six to eight months and provide living costs and other benefits.
International Health Youth Internships Program
No deadline
The Canadian Society for International Health (CSIH) program is for students and recent graduates planning a career in health or a health-related field. Internships are for six to twelve months, tenable in an international health organization. Placements relate to health in industrialized countries or in developing countries and Central or Eastern Europe.
Deadline: November 28, 1997
Scotiabank and the Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada have teamed up to offer awards for achievement in integrating an international dimension into the teaching/learning, research and service functions of universities.
Prizes will be presented in March 1998. Ideas submitted will be widely distributed in a booklet. Award categories are: International Student Participation, University-Private Sector Partnerships, Curriculum Change, Faculty Contributions to Internationalization, Resources for Internationalization Efforts.
Note: Deadlines given are those of the funding bodies. McGill deadlines are a few days earlier. For further information or application forms, contact the Office of International Research, 3550 University, Tel: 4197; Fax: 6878; E-mail: or