Volume 28 Number 15 € April 18, 1996

News and features

Students issue report on sexual assault
A report sanctioned by the Student Society of McGill University says that the University can do more to combat incidences of sexual assault. A workgroup including the Dean of Students is studying the report to see if some of its recommendations should be implemented.

Panic over "privatization"
A recent article in La Presse caused a commotion for University administrators and staff. La Presse alleged--incorrectly--that the Faculties of Management and Medicine were on the verge of large-scale privatization.

Professor bequeaths estate to research council
Emeritus sociology professor Aileen Ross willed her entire estate to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. SSHRC says it will use the money to fund research on urban poverty.

Musseling in: Small but successful invader
Biology researchers Joe Rasmussen and Anthony Ricciardi are studying zebra mussels--tiny creatures that are threatening other species, altering ecosystems and causing billions of dollars in damage. What makes the mussels tick?

Illuminating dangerous pollutants
A research team led by microbiology and immunology professor Michael DuBow has come up with a novel pollution detector--bacteria that "light up" in the presence of toxins.

Conference on gender teaches students new skills
McGill graduate students enjoyed a rare opportunity to organize and host their own scholarly conference.

Opinion: A strong McGill is essential to the future of English Quebec
In a recent presentation to McGill's Board of Governors, Dawson College director general Patrick Woodsworth called on McGill to play more of a leadership role in Quebec society and to foster new partnerships with Montreal's CEGEPs

Notes and announcements

News from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research
The Office of Technology Transfer is expanding its activities. OTT can help McGill inventors license their inventions.

Senate highlights
Professorial titles and closer links to other Montreal universities were among the items discussed at the last meeting of Senate.

A former dean of the Faculty of Religious Studies has his say on recent discussions focused on the future of his faculty.