News from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research

Research Grants Office (RGO)

NSERC Grants and Instalments

NSERC has recently released their results for the 1996-97 grants competition. By now, applicants will have received their individual notification of awards (NODs) in the mail, except for Major Equipment and Major Installation grants which will be sent at a later date.

Please note that NSERC's Notification of Awards (NODs) are sent only for applications reviewed in the competition. Grantees on instalments are not notified directly but automatically receive a 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th instalment at the level announced on the NOD in the 1st year. New NODs for instalments are issued only where the amount or duration has changed.

The instalments are paid automatically to the University via the Research and Special Funds Office. The Research Grants Office authorizes the funds to be deposited into the grantees' accounts by April 1, 1996, as scheduled, after ensuring that there are no conditions placed on the grant (i.e., expired certificates).

Killam Research Fellowships

The purpose of the Killam Research Fellowship is to provide release time to an individual scholar who wishes to pursue independent research in any of the following broad fields: humanities; social sciences; natural sciences; health sciences; engineering and interdisciplinary studies within these fields. The program is aimed at established scholars who have demonstrated outstanding ability through substantial publications in their fields over a period of several years. It is open to Canadian citizens or permanent residents of Canada.

Killam Research Fellowships provide partial or full salary replacement, to a maximum of $53,000, based on actual salary before tenure of the award.

Normally no more than 15 Killam Research Fellowships are awarded nationally in a given year. In order to enhance the quality of applications from McGill, the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research has set up a committee to provide assistance to those applying. Since the deadline for the upcoming competition is June 30, 1996, a draft of the applications is required by RGO by June 10 to allow sufficient time for the committee to give constructive input to applicants. Applications are now available at RGO (local 3996).

SSHRC/Status of Disabled Persons Secretariat

(Human Resources Development Canada)

Joint Initiative Program: "The Integration of Persons with Disabilities"

SSHRC has announced the fourth and final grants competition of its Joint Initiative program with the Status of Disabled Persons Secretariat.

This program, launched in 1993 for research on the integration of persons with disabilities, supports multidisciplinary research examining a range of issues such as the social, legal and economic structures affecting people with disabilities, determinants of independent living, economic integration, and the particular concerns of visible or cultural minorities, aboriginal people and women with disabilities. A priority area in the final competition is research on the economic integration of persons with disabilities.

The revised program description and application forms are available at RGO (local 3996). The deadline for grants submission is June 30, 1996 at SSHRC (June 1, 1996 at RGO).


May 3, 1996
CQRS (Conseil québécois de la recherche sociale)

May 20, 1996

Fonds d'aide à la recherche en production porcine/Swine Production Research Grants