Several new members have been added recently to McGill's Board of Governors. The board manages the University's finances and oversees other aspects of McGill in consultation with Senate. The latest additions to the board are introduced below:
Microbiology and immunology professor Malcolm Baines joined McGill as an associate professor in 1980. He received his PhD from Queen's University in 1970 and, following post-doctoral studies, lectured at that school before arriving at McGill. As a researcher, Baines studies the immunobiology of the reproductive system, ocular immunology and natural resistance to cancer. He is primarily interested in the cellular processes connected to spontaneous abortions. To date, the research team which Baines directs has produced 78 peer-reviewed journal publications, one patent and numerous other academic works.
Baines is a past president of the McGill Association of University Teachers and continues to participate in MAUT committees revising regulations related to McGill's non-tenured academic staff, the University's disciplinary procedures and MAUT's constitution. Baines will serve on the board as a Senate representative.
An associate professor in the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Robert Faith earned both a BA and a DDS from McGill. He joined the University as an assistant professor in 1961 and chaired the Department of Orthodontics from 1962 to 1975.
Faith is currently the chief orthodontics examiner for the Royal College of Dentists. He has served as the president of both the Canadian Association of Orthodontists and the Quebec Association of Orthodontists and chaired the latter group's ethics and disciplinary committee from 1980 to 1987.
Faith has been active in the McGill Alumni Association, chairing Reunion Weekend in 1986 and serving as the association's president from 1990 to 1992. He has been a member of the association's board since 1983. He has also been the president of the Youth Horizons Foundation and vice-president of the Montreal Association for the Blind, where he chairs the organization's fundraising efforts. Faith joins McGill's board as an alumni association representative.
Sheila Fraser completed her BComm at McGill in 1972, joining the accounting firm of Caron, Bélanger, Ernst & Young that same year. In 1977, she became the staff manager of the company's Quebec City office and in 1981 became a partner in the firm. Fraser manages audit and accounting services for a variety of clients in sectors ranging from high technology to agriculture.
She also serves as her office's professional development network partner, overseeing the coordination of courses offered to staff at the firm, many of which she teaches herself.
In 1992, Fraser sat on a committee that reviewed the financial controls and internal audit functions in the Quebec government with particular emphasis on the provincial Comptroller's Office. She is the president of the Quebec City branch of the McGill Alumni Association and serves on the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants Board of Governors Task Force on Assurance Services.
Fraser received the Commemorative Medal of the 125th Anniversary of Confederation for her community activities, which have included being the vice-president and treasurer of Quebec City's recent bid to host the 2002 Olympic Winter Games. She joins McGill's board as a member-at-large.
After completing his PhD at the University of Toronto in 1968, John Gruzleski took up a postdoctoral fellowship at Germany's Rhein-Westfalia Technische Hochschule. In 1969, Gruzleski arrived at McGill to become a member of the faculty in the Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering.
As a researcher, Gruzleski studies the solidification and casting of metals and alloys as well as the modification and metallurgy of aluminum foundry alloys. His research has led to many awards including the DOFASCO Award of the Metallurgical Society of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Last year, Gruzleski earned his faculty's Engineering Alumni Award for Outstanding Teaching. In 1987, he was appointed to his department's Gerald G. Hatch Chair of Mining and Metallurgy. Gruzleski recently helped l'Univérsité du Québec à Chicoutimi set up an extensive research program in aluminum alloy casting. Gruzleski chaired his department on two occasions--from 1980 to 1988 and from 1991 to 1994. He joins the board as a Senate representative.
English professor Leanore Lieblein came to the University in 1965. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Rochester in 1970, while teaching full time at McGill. As a scholar, Lieblein's areas of expertise include Renaissance and modern theatre (especially theatrical realism), the representation of gender on the stage and the relationship of a dramatic text to its mise en scène. She is also part of a team of McGill scholars studying various aspects of Shakespeare in the theatre, and is presently doing research on the performance of Shakespeare's plays in French in Quebec.
Lieblein currently teaches a course on Jacobean drama and has herself directed several plays including Calderon de la Barca's Life Is a Dream, and Timberlake Wertenbaker's The Love of the Nightingale. She recently served on the special University task force appointed by Principal Bernard Shapiro to study the feasibility of the options put forward by the Principal's Council in the document,Towards a New McGill.
The chair of the Department of English, Lieblein is an editorial consultant for Discours social and L'Annuaire théatral. She will represent Senate on the board.
After completing his law degree at Université de Sherbrooke in 1978, Adrien Pouliot joined the Montreal legal firm of Ogilvy, Renault where he specialized in business and finance law.
In 1983, he joined the board of directors of CFCF Inc., the corporation that owns the English language CFCF television station, its French language counterpart Télévision Quatre Saisons and CFCF Cable. Pouliot became the company's assistant to the president in 1984 and was named CFCF's vice-president and general manager in 1985.
Currently the president and chief executive officer of CFCF Inc., Pouliot recently helped engineer a major deal with Le Groupe Vidéotron ltée, in which CFCF Inc. will exchange its cable television activities for control of Téle-Métropole, currently held by Vidéotron.
Pouliot is a member of the board of directors for the CTV Television Network and sits on the strategic planning committee of the Canadian Cable Television Association. He joins McGill's board as a member-at-large.
A longtime senior civil servant, Gordon Smith is currently deputy minister of foreign affairs in Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade.
Born in Montreal, Smith was educated at McGill and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He joined the federal public service soon after completing his PhD in political science at MIT in 1966.
In 1968, Smith was posted to the Canadian Delegation to NATO where he was responsible for nuclear and force planning affairs. He has gone on to serve in a number of important roles including: senior adviser to the Minister of National Defence, deputy under-secretary of state for External Affairs, associate secretary to the Cabinet, deputy minister of political affairs for External Affairs and permanent representative and ambassador to NATO.
In 1990, Smith was named secretary to the Cabinet for federal-provincial relations. In that role he was the federal government's senior adviser on unity and constitutional questions.
The following year, Smith became Canadian ambassador to the European Communities. He was named deputy minister of foreign affairs in 1994. Smith joins McGill's board as a member-at-large.
Anthropology professor Bruce Trigger completed his PhD at Yale University in 1964, joining McGill's teaching staff that same year. He is now recognized as one of the continent's foremost experts on the development of aboriginal culture in North America.
The author of The Children of Aataentsic: A History of the Huron People to 1660 and Natives and Newcomers: Canada's "Heroic Age" Reconsidered, Trigger's books have challenged the notion that natives were passive in the face of European colonization. He has also published works on the early rise of civilization in Egypt.
Trigger's next book will be a comparative study of several ancient civilizations including Incan, Aztec, Mesopotamian and Chinese.
Trigger has earned several major awards over the course of his career including the Quebec government's prix Léon-Gérin, the Royal Society of Canada's Innis-Gérin Medal and the Canada Council's Killam Fellowship.
He chaired his department from 1970 to 1975 and chaired the Faculty of Arts curriculum committee from 1974 to 1976. Trigger frequently speaks on the role universities play in contemporary society.
A native of Montreal, Allan Youster first joined McGillıs library network in 1970. He has worked in the Humanities and Social Sciences Library, the Physical Sciences and Engineering Library and the Edward Rosenthall Library of Mathematics and Statistics. Youster is currently on leave frm the Walter Hitschfeld Environmental Earth Sciences Library where he works as a map coordinator.
Youster previously served on the board between 1979 and 1988 and was a member on selection committees for a chancellor and two vice-principals.
He was the president of the McGill University Non-academic Staff Association from 1978 to 1988. He currently sits on the boardıs building and property committee. Youster has been a scout leader in the Boy Scouts for 15 years and was a Sun Youth hockey coach for three. He was a founding member of Coop Milton Parcthe largest coop project in Canada.
He is currently the president of the McGill University Non-academic Certified Association and sits on the MUNACA negotiating committee.