November 7, 1996

News from the Faculty of Graduate Studies & Research

Office of International Research (OIR)

McGill faculty are currently involved in 70 international projects, as well as countless ongoing collaborations with partners abroad: an impressive record! Faculty members are reminded that all new international projects must be reviewed by the Office of International Research, and must be signed on behalf of the university by the Vice-Principal (Research) or by the Director, Office of International Research. To alert OIR to a new initiative or for further information, call 4197. See also Sponsored Research Policies and Procedures (available in all departments and from the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research).

Briefings for Canadians working abroad

Pre-departure briefings are provided by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). Sessions are held in Montreal and elsewhere, and cover travel, health and safety matters, visa requirements, foreign business practices and cultural issues. Best of all, they're FREE.

New funding opportunity with Germany

Transatlantic Research Cooperation in the Humanities and Social Sciences (Transcoop). Funding of up to $60,000 (U.S.) for joint Canada &/or U.S. activities with Germany, in the humanities and social sciences, and related natural sciences. Requirement for matching funds from Canadian (or U.S.) sources.

Deadline: December 15, 1996 (for receipt in Germany).

New CIDA food aid program

The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) has launched a program which will provide support ($500,000 to $3 million) for one- to two-year initiatives aimed at reducing death and disease rates in target countries and increasing access to nutrition/health services.

Deadline: December 15, 1996.

Canada-Ukraine travel support

The Reform Through Knowledge program provides travel support and per diems for activities which will assist in upgrading the higher education system in Ukraine (curriculum development, university administration, etc.). Travel can be in either direction.

Deadline: November 10, 1996.

Funding opportunities with Japan

The Japan Foundation supports initiatives promoting Japanese studies in Canada, through its Tanaka Fund and Special Grant Program. Support is available for staff expansion (to create new faculty positions), for visiting professors, post-doctoral fellows or for staff development.

Deadline: November 11, 1996.

Travel to Central or Eastern Europe

The Professional Partnerships Program supports travel to or from countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Deadline: December 6, 1996.

Quebec - other provinces program

The Government of Quebec will provide travel support to encourage research collaborations with counterparts in other provinces.

Deadline: February 1, 1997.

Note: Deadlines above are agency deadlines. OIR deadlines are five working days earlier. For detailed information and application forms contact the Office of International Research, 3550 University Street (tel: 4197).